24 Months Maturation


Parmigiano Reggiano 24 months: in this cheese, aromas get more evident: warm butter and fresh fruit hints can be appreciated, and citruses appear next to nuts hints. This Parmigiano Reggiano has a great balance between sweet and tasty and is perfectly crumbly and grainy.

  • 1.Parmigiano ReggianoCategory
  • From 24 to 29 months Maturation
  • Black with red band Packaging

Available in different sizes and packages:

  1. Wedge 250/300 gr
  2. Wedge 550/600 gr
  3. Wedge 750/800g
  4. Heart 1000 gr
  5. Wedge 950/1200 gr
  6. Eighth 5000 gr
  7. Quarter (half-moon) – in cryovak
  8. Half wheel – in cryovak
  9. Whole wheel

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